Tuesday 16 November 2010

Filmimg: Day Two/Three

For our second and third day of filming we decided to film the band jamming at Michael's house to get the real home video affect as we have decided to do it in black and white to create this affect. there are some problems that we faced when filming the jamming, as we wanted to know what exactly we wanted to film. In order to make it look affective we decided to use Miss En Scene appropriately by getting instruments like Guitar and  keyboard and Drum sticks with also sweets crisp and of course every indie bands favourite a bottle of Jack Daniels.

For the third day of filmimg me and Kirst decided to get some footage of London landmarks like Big Ben, London Eye and Piccadilly Circus. We decided to film these locations and use them in our music video to show that we are an English band starting off to get the real sense of being an English band. We decided what locations we would film before we went out so we did not really face many problems apart from the fact that it could have rained but luckily it did not.

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