Tuesday 30 November 2010


Filming this year was so much more fun to do! Day one consitisted of the Roundhouse, which was excellent, (Kirsty is an amzing director/camera woman) and we produced some amazing shots. On the downside, all the shots were really staic due the the small natue of the room. Still i had an amazing time filming and i wanna do it again! :)

Day 2 was the JAM at my house! ^____^
The good thing about this was that it was all handheld, which gave a really home movie kind of effect on the video, which is what we were going for. Also, we intended to make all the shots black and white for the "behind the scenes" footage and keep the performance in colour. The only slight downside was that i think i was annoying everone with my singing, But oh well, That just me trying to be a tiny bit famous. But what can you do eh?


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