Thursday 30 September 2010

Analysing Previous Student Videos

For this, in class we watched different videos that were made by previous students from City and Islington College.
The one who stood out for me was the first video we watched - the one where the girl made it all by her self. I thought it was really good, and the song was catchy too. Even though she wasn't in the video, it was still very effective. I especially liked the way she edited it - it was so cleverly done, linkning the two stories together, but merging into the next scene. Even at times, when it was dark, you could still see what was going on, and that you'd understand the story.

For our A2 Media studies, we are marked on the following:
-holding shot ready where appropriate.
-framing shot appropriately.
-variety of shot distances.
-material appropriate.
-appropriate mise-en-scene.
-editing to make meaning clear
-varied shot transitions.
-using sound with iamges and editing appropriately.

If we do this, then w're looking at a level 4 - which eould be B to A gardes. :)

Going back to the former student's work: at the beginning, when the girl woalks towards the camera, she starts talking to her boyfriend. However, there was an empty Mcdonald's cup. It was so distracting, because she filmed it in the dark, and to have a white cup, it stands out, which drew your attention to the cup, and not to the actual thing that's happening. But, even though there was minor distractions, overall, I honestly think it's a very good video, and is very realistic, and looks like a professional music video clip.
There was a lot of guiter solos in the music, so by the guy playing the guiter, it gave more of an effect and that because it was indie, it gave the indie vibe a good gist to it.

To make a good music video, I think you have to have good technical skills, and editing, which I think she didn very well. The choice of music was in so much sync, that you unterstood the story -  that the girl rejected her boyfriend, lying to him, when she's meeting up with another guy. it's not loyal.

Watching this, it makes me think of the things I should be careful on my group as well. Little mise-en-scene is a big part of it, so if it's not suppose to be there, then it ruin the whole clip - or just dat scene.

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