Thursday 30 September 2010

Summary of the main key points of Andrew Goodwin's theory.

The main points of Andrew Goodwin are that most genres have a meaning.
For example, when it comes to pop videos, he says that it must build up to a climax, and then just resolves. There's always a story.
Andrew's main points in a musci video is:
Illustration: where the movements fit in with what the person is singing - like Duffy's Warwick Avenue, where she's singing about leaving a partner, and it's very clear in the clip.
Amplification: It's where the's a meaning, but not going with what the song is on about, but you can still understand it.
Disjuncture: where there is little connection between the lyric or video or where the video contradicts the lyric.

Goodwin also says that sometimes, music video goes beyond the meaning and that it can promote a film as well.
He says that in pop, for example, females are shown as objects to a males desire, normally wearing skimpy clothing - mini skirts, high heels and normally wearing very minial clothing - their bodies are shown off. This is also common in R'n'B videos as well.
However, in pop, sometimes the female singer - Beyonce or Madonna for example - show off their bodies to males, wearing sexy clothes as well. However, they ususally look back at the camera to the viewers to show that they are powerful and that it makes them look passive.

Goodwin says that music should relate to all ages - young and old, because depending on what they listen yo, they can relate to it, and remember it in the long run.

Another thing is that sometimes, videos can be linked to a film, to promote both the video and the film - for example: Take That' Rule the world for Stardust.

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