Thursday 30 September 2010

Request Of Copy Write clearance

Before we could start to actually make our music videos we was requested that we contact the artist of the songs record label and ask for copy write permission.

To :
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am requesting a copy write clearance to use either part or all of the songs 'sway and always where I need to be' by the Kooks.

I am a student at City and Islington  College where I am studying Media and for our coursework we have to work in a group and produce a music video and a promotional package for the release of the new album. I would like to request if I can use the above songs for this project.

I stress that by the end of this project the package will not be made publicly but only for educational purposes and the Holder of the original copy write will be fully acknowledged at the end of the coursework. If you do not hold the writes to this song i would very much appreciate it if you send this email on to the holder of the copy write or send me their details and i will ask them directly.

Yours Faithfully
George Jackson.

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