Thursday 23 September 2010

Analysis of a music of your choice or one studied in class, focusing on the 4 hey conceptsof narrative, genre, media language and representation. :)

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In this video clip of Mcfly - 'party girl', the girls are wearing sexy clothes, showing the desire to men. Mcfly are wearing casual clothes, showing that they're normal - not 'wealthy'. However, they are showing that men are dominant and shows that they're the strong ones. there's parts when the camera shows big landscapes - country, showing that they are rich. When the girls come on, Mcfly are in a strip club.
However, when the video starts and throughout out clip, there's glipses on blood running down the guiter neck or drums, showing that it's invloving violence. Thoughout the clip, it's always showing Mcfly as a band playing, showing that they are the most important thing in the clip - especially with the close-ups of the faces too.
When Harry gets half naked with the girls, it still clearly shows that he's dominant and in control. They show the girls almost vunuable..
When certain words only come up, it's in red and surrounding it is this smokey cloud, suggesting that it's a misty piece and that it's  gothic - unclear of what's going to happen.
Harry is a 'vampire' through the clip, and shows the fangs alot. When Harry bites a girl, she's left with blood on her neck. 
Then it goes to Dougie, where he too is half naked, but working out. then comes a girl in a suit sitting on him and dancing exotically. but then she burns becuase of the sunlight. There's an electric shock after that, throught the cables of the equipment, which suggests that something is going to happen, weirdly.
And it does. It shows that taht guys are now running away, and the girls are dominant, running afre them. It's a switch of role. This shows that women can be strong, and that men can be vunuable also.
At thr end, it shows Dougie trapped and there's a sound of clapping, whcih gives suspense...

the representation is that the men are normally dominant in most situations, but it can easily change. this shows that either one can be strong - not both.
the narrative shows the story about vampires and how they can turn to you. also, it shows how girls are pulled into things that they don't necessarily want to be in, but once in, it's not always a good thing.
the genre is about vampires, which would attract vampire fans - it doesnt mean that they like the band (pulls people in) and the status of men and women.

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