Tuesday 21 September 2010

Research: Analysis of Music Video.

The music video for Ellie Goulding's Guns and Horses uses a number of techniques to create a clear sense of narrative, genre, representation and media language.

The narrative throughout the music video is not kept as a continuous linear or a non linear structure - its a mix of both. Through editing techniques, the music video follows Ellie Goulding journey through a forest scene. But frequently cuts to a non linear scene of Ellie Goulding and other participants of the music video. There does not seem to be a distinct reminiscent quality immediately, but the setting and lighting used could be used in a thriller or horror movie. It creates a weary and creepy kind of atmosphere. The costume and props used are also reminiscent of soliders with a modern twist. A state of equilibrium could be suggest, but as the video continues we are past the stage of disruption already and it could be made up of flashbacks. Ellie Goulding is a participant in the video, whist performing a dance routine as walking through the forest. But on many occasions she is also the narrator. The music video, in ways is an illustration of the title of the song but not so much the lyrics themselves. The video shows soldiers with weapons - guns - and are also with horses.

The genre is shown to us through a number of ways. The setting of the video isn't really one that i would associate with the pop genre of the song. But the themed nature of the video sort of gives the pop genre away, as it would be seen as a more fun type a genre. The costume in this video varies the artist is seen wearing casual and very simple clothing but the other participants are seen to be dressed in soldier outfits which have been modernized, which to me seem more theatrical more than the genre of pop. The lighting of the video throughout appears to be dark and gloomy, creating a tense and fearful atmosphere this does not really convey the genre. Bright lights and colours would be more pop genre. the only light seen is directly on Ellie Goulding throughout the video.

The video as a whole represents both females and males in a fairly neutral light. there seems to only be one obvious stereotype - the female participants are dressed to look sexy. There soldier costumes are quite revealing - they're wearing hot pants and fishnet stockings. Though the main artist isnt really exposed to any stereotype, as mention before she is dressed in quite causal clothing. Many other genre of video tend to use sexual stereotypes where this doesn't. Along side this representation of genre, there is a representation of anger/war through the use of the participants costume as well as through the probs they use. Plus the fact that the participants are supposed to be dead. 

The use of editing to this music video creates a a fairly fast pace, with the use of obvious cutting between scenes, this could suggest the urgency of the war/fighting that the music video illustrates. Even though the editing is fast paced it seems as though some parts have been manipulated to seem slower. The same scenes seem to be edited so that they are repeated in a certain sequence. This could suggest a repetition in the lives of the participants or the repetition of the chorus of the song. The editing techniques used in this music video have a wondering effect on the audience, the quickness of the cutting to different scenes also creates some confusion - as the video progresses more scenes are added making the video more dynamic.
The editing seems very conventional of that of this genre and of many others - the rhythmic, quick tempo-ed track is accompanied by fast editing to keep the song flowing and exciting

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