Tuesday 18 January 2011

Evaluation Q3: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?

For this unit of my coursework I used multiple programmes and many technological devices. All of the technological devices and programmes I used I found essential to produce my media project. The programmes and devices was used for different things in terms of production planning and evaluation stages of my coursework.

Stage one planning: In order to do a plan for our digipack we first had to
know what sort of music video we wanted to produce. We wanted to make a music video for the indie genre so we had to get inspiration for ideas for our video so we went on google and went to you tube to get inspiration. We found Kings of Leon music video very inspiring for our music video especially the backstage feel to the video.

Internet: When I was in YouTube I paid attention to the aspects of Kings of Leon music video Red Morning Light where I looked at aspects like variety's of close ups so i know how many close ups to put in my video. I also looked at the comments from the users of YouTube to see what they liked as fans so i could emulate what they think in my video.

In the planning stage we also had to produce an animatic for a digital storyboard of what our music video will entail. once we produced this animatic we had to show our teachers and the rest of our class to see if that thought it could work. Kirsty Produced the animatic in Movie maker. In Movie maker Kirsty created the animatic which was a visual story board of our music video plan.

By using the Internet like YouTube it helped me see what people thought of indie videos and see what is in an indie video which will help me make mine as effective as possible. 

Stage Two Production: In the production stage of our music video is where i used most of the technology. As I was filming and producing a digipack and advert i had to use multiple technologies devices like brand new HD cameras and photoshop.

Brand New HD Video Cameras: When i was filming we had to use HD video cameras to film our music video. In order to use this video camera you have to have tutorials of how to do it but with experience from filming in As we did not need one. On this video camera we could get the angles  we needed and would also film it on the memory cards that is in the video camera and when we produce our video we would need a video drive to save it on and a card read to read the memory cards for the mac.  

By using the The HD cameras it enabled me to film an effective music video of high quality. 
Final Cut Pro: Final cut pro is probably what i spent most of time as i used it to edit my music video and to make a voice over for evaluation question one and question two. As final cut pro is a programme used for editing and as it is for editing we would have to use multiple tools like markers which would be crucial for a music video as it has to be in sync and snapping as it will have to a smooth edit. Also as it is a music video we could also use special effects that would suite our genre.

When we was using final cut pro we only really used one special effect which was to make it look black and white or desaturate on final cut pro. we wanted to use this to make it look like a behind the scenes footage which is used in Kings of Leon Red Morning Light. to do this you have to go to video filters and then scroll down to image control and then desaturate and it will remove the colour and make it black and white and give the home footage effect.

Also In final cut pro we had to change the speed of our music video as some of the black and white footage we wanted to slow it down as that would appear within our genre and by doing this it makes it look affective and makes it look like a real music video we do this by going to modify and change speed tool where we slowed it down.

We also used transitions before and after the black and white footage and we done this by going to video transitions and put in a transition so the black and white looked affective and you could see the change to make it a clear edit.
By using final cut pro it helped me produce a music video that had all the aspects of real music video and it helped me make a video that had the write cuts and had the right effects like black and white to create the backstage footage and home video effect. 

Photoshop: Also in the production stage we had to use photoshop for our digipack and advert as that is how you create it. On photoshop I could use many different tools like the image tool to make it black and white. I made my front panel and the inside of my digipack black and white and the background of my digipack too. You can also put text on photoshop which I done for three panels of my digipack and on my advert. As well as cropping images.

By using photoshop I could create a digipack and advert that would stand out and catch my intended audience attention and try and create a digipack that they would be interested in buying and an advert that would promote the band successfully. 

Internet:digipack as I wanted to use the Mod target and in order to use this target in my digipack I would have to get it off google and use it in photoshop where i would magic wand it and paste it in my digipack and advert. I also used google for my evaluation as well with getting some pictures for it.
By using google and the Internet it helped my in most of stages as with google i could get pictures for my blog to make it look interesting and stand out and it would be essential to use pictures in my evaluation as i wanted to use media technology to its full and google helped me do this. 

Stage three Evaluation: My evaluation had to be done over blogger. On blogger i can post my work and do my evaluation and use media technology at its best as you can import videos, pictures and writing what i have done in this evaluation. I have also used blogger all the way through out my course work for all three stages; Planning, Production and evaluation.

Blogger was very helpful for me as i could post updates and do my evaluation on time. Also with blogger i could make it as interesting as possible by having the use of videos pictures and text. 

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