Friday 21 January 2011

Q4. What have you learned from your audience, feedback?

Here is the wordle of the comments from the class feedback.
I think the only thing I would change would be the transition between the band performing and the black and white scenes, because I thought at times, it was a little bit slow and I think it needed to be slighter quicker.
Here is some feedback from the cinema viewing. Overall, it was generally good feedback, but there was one or two improvements that they note, which I would definitely change if i were to do it differently next time.

Because we had a clear idea of what we wanted to do, it was straight forward, what we were going to film and exactly what we wanted. We didn't film at any random time, we took consideration to what we intend to do.
Having this feedback, it does make me look at it in a different light, because at the time, we didn't realise the little detail that could've been improved, and now that we know, we would've been more careful. Also, I leant that how miss en scene is very important, because we didn't think of that - the clothing. One of the comments were: 'Michael is the only one wearing colour', which obviously distracts the eye, so net time, we could plan it next time and to dress in  certain colours. Another comment they said: 'I like the held camera in the black and white scene, because it looked good and was effective. it gave it a personal touch to it.' So, here, I wouldn't change it, because i think we achieved what we aimed and other people noticed it too.

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